

Dear Editor,
THE recent hallucinations by the failed leader of the 22-year-old opposition party Hakainde Sammy Hichilema that he would magically turn around the fortunes of Zambia is regrettably laughable.
It has become fashionable for HH to come up with names that champion his ego and self centredness in his quest to wrestle from the PF, a party of mass movement.
Although HH has been claiming that his governance will be the platform of inclusiveness, his character is absolutely a mismatch to the assertions.
His well documented practice of appointing a vice president at every general election is indicative of how stubborn Hichilema as a President maybe.
Hichilema has spent his entire political career with making unwarranted threats of vengeance and persecution to President Edgar Lungu and his disciples.
Mr Hichilema, has constantly warned all businesses he perceives to be connected to PF of unknown consequences. Many high ranking government officials have been assured of instant dismissal of things goes his way.
The above, exposes the outspoken political figure to be a bully and a curse to 21st century politics.
The resignations in Western Province is a snippet of how Zambians have woken up and resisted bullying to prefer a leaders who are masters. Even the threat of privatising the Presidential jet is bullying.
Bully HH has allowed his compatriots such as Seer 1, Zambian Watchdog, Koswe and others to be at the centre of bullying in a civilised democracy.
Even during the fight against Covid-19, all Zambians have foregone their differences and joined hands to supplement government efforts. Even when Parliament was in session, there were processes to amend the constitution, bully HH saw it as the vivid opportunity to hold the nation at ransom.
The people of Zambia must therefore scrutinise political hopefuls and retire bullies.
Youth Rights Activist,


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