Court News

Forgery: Kambwili chaired meeting that changed directors’ details

CHISHIMBA Kambwili chaired the meeting that fraudulently decided to change particulars of his company long after the forgery case had started.
The national registration card (NRC) number 239643/68/1, which was used for registration of the company in 2001, had been replaced by NRC number 306414/68/1.
His son, Mwamba Chishimba had also been removed as company secretary for Mwamona Engineering Technical Services Limited and replaced by Carol Chansa Chipande (Kambwili’s wife).
Testifying in the contempt case before Magistrate Nsunge Chanda yesterday, investigations and arresting officer, Stanley Mumbula said in the documents lodged at the Patents and Companies Registration Agency (PACRA) after a court sitting in the main matter before Principal Resident Magistrate David Simusamba, the name Mwamba Chishimba had been removed and replaced by Mwamba Kambwili.
This is in a case National Democratic Congress (NDC) leader Chishimba Kambwili has been accused of contempt of court for allegedly tampering with evidence in the matter he has been found with a case to answer for alleged forgery, uttering a false document, and giving false information to a public officer.
In the main case, Kambwili has been accused of using his sister’s NRC to show that it belonged to his son Mwamba who was a minor in 2001.
“These were the notable changes and therefore being investigations and arresting officer in another case, I noticed that the information changed,” Mr. Mumbula said.
Mumbula also said resolutions to change the particulars for directors and shareholders were passed on March 5, 2018 and the meeting was attended by Kambwili, his wife Carol Chansa Chipande, and his son Mwamba.
He said Kambwili chaired the meeting which included his wife Carol Chansa Chipande, and his son Mwamba and there being no any other business it was closed at 07:30hours.
“As investigations officer those changes affected facts that were before Honourable Simusamba. If somebody goes to PACRA wanting to find out directors and particulars of shareholders they will find something different. For me who had investigated the matter before, we will appear like we presented false facts. When this matter was brought to my attention I got interested and brought these documents to the prosecution team.”
Trial continues next Wednesday.


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