
HH caned for careless talk

IT is unpatriotic and irresponsible for UPND Hakainde Hichilema to lie that there is tension in Zambia because the government allegedly favoured the Chinese, PF Muchinga Province chairperson Alex Simuwelu has said.
Mr Simuwelu said claims by Mr Hichilema that there tension in are unfounded.
Mr Simuwelu said it was irresponsible for Mr Hichilema to suggest that there was tension because Zambia government favours the Chinese are meant to cause discontent in the country.
He said the statement was meant to erode investor confidence for his political mileage.
Mr Simuwelu said Mr Hichilema has continued to demonstrate unpatriotism by speaking ill against Zambia to the outside world.
Mr Hichilema on Wednesday featured on SABC news where he said there was tension in Zambia because the government favoured Chinese over Zambians.
Mr Simuwelu said statements by Mr Hichilema show unpatriotism and had potential to cause discontent among citizens and may cause them to rise against the foreigners.
“We are disappointed that Mr Hichilema always wants to speak bad things about Zambia to the outside world all for his political expediency,” Mr Simuwelu said.
He said Mr Hichilema’s assertion that there was tension in Zambia had potential to scare investors.
“Mr Hichilema should for once demonstrate patriotism because we cannot have a person vying for the presidency but always tarnishing the image of the country whenever he gets an opportunity to speak to the outside world,” Mr Simuwelu said.


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