
New UPND Sinazongwe leaders unveiled

VOCAL Sinazongwe UPND spokesperson George Bbabi has been elected as the new district youth chairperson.
Mr Bbabi went unopposed during the ongoing UPND elections in Southern Province at the weekend.
“I have won as unopposed as district youth chairperson after Neto Siapwaya my competitor opted to withdraw and go for the position of district vice chairperson for politics.
“Now is to start work as one familly called UPND. there is no time to relax, we have to start mobilising for 2021 as a team in Sinazongwe and there will be no honey moon or business as usaul we have to win and that will come by growing the party first,” he said. The new District Chairman is Stambridge Sikalola, his vice is Neto Siapwaya while the district secretary is Steward Mbunda.


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