
South UPND cries foul

THE UPND in Southern Province has accused the Government of neglecting certain areas which are represented by the opposition in Parliament.
The party has claimed that Itezhi tezhi in Central province, which the UPND still regard as a part of Southern Province has been neglected.
UPND Southern Province Information and Publicity Secretary, Neto Halwabala, said that Itezhi tezhi district was one of the least developed areas in the country.
He told the Daily Nation that his tour of Itezhi tezhi revealed the “untold stories” of how underdeveloped the area was.
“My last two weeks of being away from home on a tour of duty in the country side was heart-breaking and a new beginning for my personal renewed fighting spirit for a better Zambia. The PF has created misery, poverty and ignorance in rural areas,” he said.
Mr Halwabala said people in Itezhi tezhi walk long distances to access medical facilities 56 years after the country got its independence.
“Our brothers and sisters have to walk long distance to access medical facilities. There is no network and children are going to school with lack of balanced diet which affects their academic performance.
“As for farmers who are able to produce enough for home consumption and surplus, there is no market for them to sell their produce,” he said.


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