
The vulgarity of Hakainde’s insults

Dear Editor,
NANGU tapasoswa apa pena tatwaikale tondolo (even if our tongues were to be tamed, we will defy silence and denounce this).
We take great exception to Mr Hakainde Hichilema’s insults when he called Bemba-speaking people at an assembly of minors in Kasama.
What is even more disturbing is that his catile audience consisted mainly of children and juveniles. (Most of them non-voters) who were ferried from different parts of Zambia to create an artificial popularity. Sadly, the innocent crowd cheered every foul word by reason of being in HH’S pockets.
Just when the majority of Zambians thought that it was not possible for Mr Hichilema to sink any lower he has now sunk even lower to an all-time low. By uttering obscenities and insulting Bemba parents and adults in front of their children, the UPND leader has outdone himself in vulgarity. It is not only disturbing and disgusting!
Mr Hichilema’s predicament could very well be a case of suppressed psychosis. Like a jilted lover having been rejected multiple times but still wanting to force Zambians to love him he resorts to vulgarities. Someone sitting at the hierarchy of UPND is clearly in a sordid manic state.
Impure language comes from impure thoughts. The vulgar language speaks of the state of Mr Hichilema’s mind.
No Mr Hichilema, you are supposed to be a public figure and an elder in the church. Have some respect and decency. You cannot insult your way to State House. Not even in jest. It is against our collective cultural and traditional custom and our Christian values.
“Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them… Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behaviour.” Ephesians 4: verses 29 & 31.
Youth Rights Activist’


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