
Kitwe residents cry for drainage system

RESIDENTS from various townships in Kitwe have called on the local authority to put up a proper drainage systems as the rainy season sets in.

The residents complained that they were not safe with the way the current situation was especially that we were approaching the rain season.
Some of them said they had been receiving promises that drainages would be put up for them from their councilors and the council, but to no avail.
“We are happy that the Government has constructed roads for us in our various communities but let them also ensure that drainages are worked on.
“In most cases, we see roads being constructed without drainages and the same new roads get ugly and flooded when it rains due to lack of the drainage systems,” one of the residents Melody Kafumpa of Kwacha township said.
Ms Kafumpa complained that lack of drainage systems in most townships also contributed to many households being flooded.
She said the earlier the council worked on drainages, the better as most households would be protected from the floods. Another resident of Buchi township, Josiah Mulenga, said working on the roads leaving out the drainage systems was equal to nothing.
Mr Mulenga complained that the size of the drainage systems that were put up in some areas left much to be desired.


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