
‘Chunga dumpsite a health risk’


MOVEMENT for Democratic Change (MDC) Matero Constituency aspiring Member of Parliament Captain Charles Musenge has bemoaned the piles of refuse at the Chunga dumpsite likely to pollute ground water, land and the air.

Capt. Musenge said the dump site which lacks proper management is now a health risk especially to the individuals occupying residential settlements nearby who are likely to already suffer some ailments owing to the refuse and its foul smell.

He said part of the solution to the problem would be to woo investors that can set up a recycling and fertiliser manufacturing plant because the same waste which is disposed of and left for scavengers to pick can be a serious source of income generation.

“The piles of refuse at this site is frightening and pollution is threefold as all ground water, land and air are under constant pollution.

“To make matters worse, the dumpsite is now surrounded by residential properties which are not serviced with piped water and they depend entirely on the same contaminated ground water,” Capt Musenge said.

He said with a visionary leadership in the constituency, specialists would have been identified to make use of the garbage, recycling all of it and reproducing bio-mas, paper, plastics and fertiliser among others.

He said this would have in return helped Matero residents find gainful activities and further avoid feeding the ground with garbage which most likely contain industrial chemicals.


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