
‘Don’t underrate opposition’-Kelvin Chipili


PATRIOTIC Front (PF) officials especially at grassroot level should not underrate the opposition, but intensify party mobilization and promote unity ahead of the August 12 elections, PF Kamfinsa constituency aspiring candidate Kelvin Chipili has advised.

He said unity in the party and recruitment of more members would guarantee victory in the August elections and ultimately the ruling party would silence the vocal opposition parties like the UPND.

Mr Chipili was speaking in Kitwe at the weekend during an interaction meeting initiated by the PF Kamfinsa constituency executive committee.

”The other important aspect is being united so that we emerge as one big family to scoop the elections. There has been a lot of unsubstantiated accusations from the UPND and so let us whack them to silence them,” Mr Chipili said

And speaking later, Constituency chairman Collins Chansa urged Mr Chipili to find ways to empower wards officials to ensure they were motivated ahead of the August elections

”We are grateful for the tireless efforts you have put up . I must say these efforts have really helped the Party to grow in various corners of the Constituency. We hope you will continue with these works,” Mr Chansa said.

Other PF officials who are seeking adoption for Kamfinsa constituency are Kitwe Mayor, Christopher Kang’ombe, Van Wick Mumba and Rogers Mwanjisi.


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