57 Luanshya rioters appear in court

Thu, 23 Mar 2017 10:30:49 +0000



FIFTY-SEVEN residents of Luanshya’s  Mikomfwa township who were arrested on Sunday for destroying property worth thousands of Kwacha in a riot related to ritual killing of a 9-year-old boy yesterday appeared before Luanshya Magistrates court.

The 57 who included 12 juveniles aged between 13 and 17 were charged with conduct likely to cause breach of peace, contrary to the laws of Zambia.

The matter before magistrate Dominic Makalicha, however, started late in the afternoon and only two accused persons out of 28 took the plea.

Richard Mwananyambe, 25, of house number 2236, Mikonfwa Township and Bright Chiyambi, 24, of 716 Mikonfwa who were jointly charged, pleaded guilty to one count of riotous behaviour contrary to the laws of Zambia.

Facts of the matter were that the duo on March 19 while acting together with other unknown people, in Luanshya damaged property named groceries, food staff and household property all valued at K11, 000 belonging to Mr. Mukanda.

The matter was adjourned to Friday for mention.

This was when the State applied for an adjournment due to a large number of accused persons which would require more working hours.

And before magistrate Arnold Kasungamulilo were 15 accused persons, who stood charged with conduct likely to cause breach of peace.

After a three hour session, all the 15 pleaded not guilty to the charge and the matter was adjourned to March 29 for mention.

However, the remaining 14 accused persons could not take plea as magistrate Nkonde who was supposed to preside on the matter was not present.

The 57 were arrested on Sunday after they run amok and looted a shop, a house, a lodge and burnt to ashes a Toyota Hilux belonging to Godfrey Mukanda of House of number 4193B Mikonfwa.


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