Axed PF officials threaten to name top leaders in land scam

Fri, 14 Apr 2017 11:44:22 +0000


By Violet Tembo

 DISMISSED Patriotic Front (PF) district security officials in Ndola have accused the provincial leadership of using them as sacrificial lambs in land illegalities that have engulfed the district.

Speaking to journalists in Ndola, Mr Joseph Chisala, a PF security official, accused the provincial executive who suspended them early this week of using emotions to discipline them.

Mr. Chisala disclosed that the district party and security officials that have been removed from various positions had been tasked by the Mayor Amon Chisenga to spearhead a task force to apprehend persons in the party involved in illegal land allocation.

Mr. Chisala charged that the group has been caught up in the web in which the mayor and the provincial chairperson Mr Kainga have clashed over the matter.

“The provincial chairperson Mr. Stephen Kainga and the mayor Mr. Chisenga, who is provincial vice chairperson of the party, have been at war with each other; the story is in the public domain.

‘‘We were trying to assist the party in cleansing it from the land illegality that has hit the district like wild fire and we went underground to catch the culprits involved in land allocation.

‘‘Last month we apprehended one of our party members who was suspected to be involved in illegal land allocation but we saw him released from police custody and collecting charge sheets and offer letters we found in possession of the suspect,’’ said Mr Chisala.

Another dismissed official Fyolafyola Musonda, who is youth treasurer for Chifubu constituency, stated that the group will not accept the decision taken by the party to remove them from their positions.

Mr Musonda described the action by the party as disheartening, accusing the provincial leadership of protecting wrongdoers and targeting members working to bring sanity in the party.


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