Bishops Council of Zambia warns political trouble makers

Tue, 04 Apr 2017 11:05:44 +0000



POLITICAL parties threatening peace and democracy that Zambia has enjoyed for a very long time by plunging the nation in a state of confusion should be deregistered, Bishops Council of Zambia (BCZ) spokesperson Fred Chingole has said.

Mr Chingole said that political parties should endeavor to put the plight of the Zambian people first before political ambitions.

He said in an interview with the Daily Nation that politicians regardless of being in the opposition or ruling party had a responsibility to serve the people.

Mr Chingole however noted that some political parties were bent on causing havoc and plunging the nation in a state of pandemonium.

He said that there was no need of having political parties in Zambia that did not serve the interests of the people.

“Political parties should also be accountable for their actions, they are registered so that they can serve the Zambian people. Those that are found wanting after a thorough scrutiny by relevant authorities should be de-registered” he said.

Mr Chingole said that Zambia needed opposition political parties which offered checks and balances to Government in the interests of the people.

Meanwhile, Mr Chingole advised Government to be open to criticism and scrutinize advice from the opposition.

He pointed out that the opposition carried the voice of the vulnerable people and that that they should be given a platform to express themselves.

Mr Chingole urged opposition political parties to work with the Government of the day for the sake of the people.

He said that they should be able to give credit where it was due and also oppose what they felt was not in the interest of the people.


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