Central Province minister seeks more land for women

Mon, 27 Feb 2017 10:43:58 +0000


By Terence Miselo

Central Province minister Sydney Mushanga has appealed to the traditional leadership in Chibombo District to assist women acquire more land for farming to help improve their livelihoods.

Officiating at a women fundraising and cultural night organized by the Patriotic Front (PF) leadership in Chibombo District on Saturday night at Savannah Park, Mr Mushanga said empowering women with more land would improve the general economic outlook of the district.

“May I appeal to the Royal Highnesses in the district through their representatives present to assist our women in the acquisition of pieces of land especially those intending to venture into farming as this would help improve the outlook of the district,” Mr Mushanga said.

The minister further applauded the organizers of the function for coming up with such an event which was meant to raise funds for women outreach programmes and empowerment.

“Allow me on behalf of the party in Central Province and indeed on my own behalf to applaud the organisers of this great initiative as it shows how much effort our PF women are putting in to improve the lives of their fellow women. Your concern for the welfare of women is a great inspiration to me as provincial minister,” he said.

The event was also attended by several PF representatives from various party structures including the PF Lusaka Provincial team led by Chairman Horace Longwe, deputy provincial treasurer and former Lusaka Mayor Daniel Chisenga as well as Coucillor Christopher Shakafuswa.

And the minister has said his province has lined up a number of activities ahead of the commemoration of the International Women’s Day that falls on March 8.

He said he would continue to emphasize on formation and supporting of cooperatives to empower women in the province.


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