Chelstone in water blues

Fri, 24 Mar 2017 13:29:49 +0000



RESIDENTS of Chelstone in Lusaka say the problem of water supply in the area has now worsened with the area going without water for 3- 7 days and it has become hard to survive without the commodity.

A resident, Tavengwa Mwango, said that for a long time now water supply had been erratic and the area could go without water days.

“It’s hard to survive without water and a number of households have opted to store water containers when it is available and those with money are now sinking boreholes to try and adapt to water challenges,

“ And for those of us who cannot afford boreholes we keep on living in agony and hoping against fate. We simply wait and pray for water to come,” she said

Ms Mwango appealed to the Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company (LWSC) to try and increase its water sources because it was evident that their current reservoirs were not enough for the rapidly growing demand of water in the city.

Another resident Towela Mugabe said that water supply in Chelstone had become a very big problem because most of the most of the time there was completely no water for days.

“Most of the time we stay  for2—3 days without water but the water bills that we receive per month turn out to be high,” she said.


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