Chongwe gets new health centre at Bimbe

Mon, 20 Feb 2017 09:06:02 +0000


GOVERNMENT is ready to continue working hand in hand with the private sector because it has shown its commitment in improving the lives of many Zambians, says Lusaka Province minister Japhen Mwakalombwe.

Speaking in Chongwe district during the commissioning of Bimbe health centre on Friday in Chalimbana area, Mr Mwakalombwe said the health post would help reduce congestion at Chongwe District Hospital because patients would be receiving quick medical attention from health personnel at the new facility.

Mr Mwakalombwe said it was the PF government’s policy to see to it that it provided quality health care to the people, stating that it would continue partnering with the private sector such as World Vision Zambia so that the community benefited through infrastructure development.

“The construction of Bimbe health post is an effort to address the current maternal health challenges and other health-related issues being experienced by Bimbe community,’’ he said.

Mr Mwakalombe, who is Chongwe Member of Parliament, said maternal health was cardinal to the success of every child, hence it was important to ensure that pregnancy-related risks both to the mother and the unborn child were identified early so that proper intervention were put in place.

He applauded World Vision Zambia for supplementing Government’s efforts by putting in place facilities to ensure that quality services were provided to women during pregnancy, delivery and after delivery including regular access to family planning services.

Acting Lusaka Provincial health director Kakungu Simpungwe said so far 37 health posts had been completed and operationalised, saying 925 health personnel were recruited and 96 were deployed in Chongwe district.

District commissioner Fraser Musonda said the district had also received three ambulances, five motorbikes in Palabana, Ndapula, Kanakatapa and Lwiimba in an effort to assist mothers with risky pregnancies.

Meanwhile, World Vision representative Clement Chipokolo said quality health service in Zambia had been a topical issue which needed quick intervention if quality health services were to be delivered.

He said World Vision would continue working with Government by rendering support to ensure that mothers and children’s health were a priority and it donated 180 wheelchairs and construct four health posts including 10 schools in Chongwe district.

Muslim Social and Welfare Trust representative Yusuf Gangat donated food hampers worth K30, 000 and appealed to Government to always knock on their door to render services to the communities. And Chieftainess Nkomeshya Mukamambo II said the community of Bimbe had been waiting for the opening of the health post which was completed over six years ago by World Vision.

She also urged Government to complete pending infrastructure projects in the district such as roads, Chalimbana, and Palabana universities and schools.

“Not only have I donated my residences to be turned into health centres but also provided land for the construction of various Government institutions,’’ she said.


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