Constitution discriminates against poor, uneducated-ZDDM

Thu, 29 Dec 2016 12:29:04 +0000

By Aaron Chiyanzo

THE current republican Constitution is discriminatory and has cut off the poor and uneducated Zambians from participating in active politics in the country, Zambia Direct Democracy Movement (ZDDM) president Edwin Sakala has observed.

Mr Sakala said that his party would next year try within its means to save Zambia from self-destruction by advocating for a new political order and amendment of the current Constitution.

He pointed out that the Constitution did not facilitate for the marginalised people in society to participate in politics.

“ZDDM will next year try within its means to save Zambia from self-destruction by advocating for a new political order and amendment of the current discriminatory Constitution which has cut off the majority population of the poor and uneducated Zambians from participating in proper active politics,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mr Sakala said that the multi-party system had failed in Zambia and that he believed that a time for change had come.

He called on institutions such as the University of Zambia to help the nation come up with a more suitable mode of democracy for the country.

“Let them improve on what we already have working perfectly under our Paramount Chiefs like Undi, Mpezeni, Litunga Chiti Mukulu. It must be a home grown Zambian mode of democracy which will be truly national and suitably rising above tribe,” said Mr Sakala.

Mr Sakala, however, said that the one party participatory system was most suitable for Zambia because it created strong and working structures countrywide.

He expressed disappointment that many Zambians could not see or realise that the current multi-party democracy system had only given room to a few citizens on the payroll of foreign powers.

Mr Sakala said that those benefiting from the multi-party system were bent on selling the country by promoting confusion and division. “ZDDM will in its own way work with institutions of learning and all nationalist towards promoting unity by advocating for a new political order in Zambia,” he said.


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