Corruption confirmed

Mon, 20 Feb 2017 13:57:28 +0000

…Ministry of Lands acknowledged creation of disputed plots in Roma


MORE documents have emerged confirming that corruption was involved in the manner applicants were dispossessed of plots by unscrupulous officials at the Ministry of Lands.

A letter signed by the then commissioner of lands Barnaby Mulenga in 2012 gave plots to eight individuals but the title deeds were only issued in 2015 to different individuals.

One of those unscrupulously offered one of the plots in 2015 was a foreigner who was given title on 11th May, 2015 but within two days, the same plot was allegedly offered for sale to Zambians.

This was done with a view to authenticate the syndicate long after the police had cleared the eight of criminal trespass as the officers investigating the matter found that the group led by Mr. Matembo had authentic and genuine documents.

According to a letter signed by Mr. Mulenga, dated 10th July, 2012, addressed to Mr. Matembo, the ministry acknowledged the numbering of the plots and advised the eight applicants to liaise with the Lusaka Town Clerk, saying the ministry had communicated to him to facilitate applications.

Mr. Mulenga said the numbering of the plots was done following the full council meeting held on 11th March, 2011, which approved the creation of the plots for allocation and that since the council had been given back the agency dealing with land alienation matters, the eight needed to go back to the council to finalise the acquisition.

“Following the approval by the Town Clerk to create eight (8) plots in Roma Township under minute No. PWD/69/02/11, full council minute No. C/102/03/11 dated 11th March, 2011, and reference TCD/JMZ/5/14/8, numbering has been done.

“Be informed that the Lusaka City Council has been given back the agency to deal with all land alienation matters in Lusaka district as provided for under the land circular No. 1 of 1985. Thus, the numbered site plans have been referred to the Town Clerk to make recommendations for allocation as per procedure under the said land circular No. 1 of 1985,” reads the letter in part.

He assured the eight of the ministry’s backing since the issue had already been communicated to the council over the same plots.

“The Town Clerk is aware of the presentations made to my office and this was communicated to him in a letter dated 18th June, 2012 and delivered on 20th June, 2012. By copy of this letter, you are referred to the office of the Town Clerk for you to apply for the land through the council as the agent with power to recommend as per normal procedure,” reads the rest of the letter.

After seeking audience with Mr. Mulenga, the eight went back to the council to follow up the matter and a recommendation was made to the Ministry of Lands to approve the eight plots with a clear indication on which plot numbers should be given to each of them.

According to a recommendation letter dated February, 2014 and signed by acting Town Clerk Moses Mwelwa to the commissioner of lands, the eight were to be given plots numbering from 38368 to 38375 for the ministry to allocate them.

However, when the eight went to the Ministry of Lands to finalise the acquisition, they discovered that the land had been offered to other people and none of the eight was offered a single plot.

The eight have since dragged the Ministry of Lands to the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) and have vowed to fight the ministry to their graves.


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