Council of elders back printing of 2021 ballot papers locally

Sat, 25 Mar 2017 12:31:45 +0000

The North-Western development council of elders has backed calls by President Edgar Lungu to have the 2021 ballot papers printed locally by Government Printers.

Organisation chairperson Lucas Chikoti told the Daily Nation in an interview that the printing of ballot papers locally would not only reduce on the cost of printing but also provide employment to the local people.

“As an organisation that advocates for development, we are behind the calls by His Excellency President Edgar Lungu to have the ballot papers for the 2021 general elections printed locally,” he said.

He called on all well-meaning Zambians to support the calls of the Head of State.

He also appealed to political parties especially those in the opposition to also support the President Lungu’s calls.

“There is always a tendency by political parties to back off on such ideas. Instead, what we are saying is that not supporting the idea may deprive the nation the much needed resources,” he added. He, however, appealed to Government to put in place all modalities so that there is no suspicion among all stakeholders


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