East FDD rejects Nawakwi 3rd term bid

Mon, 27 Feb 2017 10:48:20 +0000



FORUM for Democracy and Development (FDD) in Eastern Province has rejected president Edith Nawakwi’s third term bid at the helm of the party.

Lundazi district youth chairman Jungle M’tonga said the party president is betraying the very existence of the FDD which was formed out of opposition against the MMD’s third term bid for then MMD president Frederick Chiluba in 2001.

Mr M’tonga said the decision to chase away those opposed to the continued rule of Ms Nawakwi was undemocratic and against the party’s basis on which it was founded.

“The party came out of the MMD as a result of a failed third term bid by the then party in government, but now it seems the very people that fought the third term are the ones advocating for it. “We refuse to endorse Ms Nawakwi as a ‘wamu yayaya’ president for the party. We are a democratic party and shall not allow a few people to bulldoze the party into undemocratic tendencies,” he said.

He explained that as a constituency, Lundazi FDD has rejected any attempts to allow Ms Nawakwi to go for a third term, and had called for a convention to allow the people choose their own leadership.

“FDD is a party for all the people, and its leadership is not restricted to a particular group of people, but to all those who have the ability and capacity to lead us to the next general election until our president becomes Head of State.

“We truly love and respect our president Ms Nawakwi but not with a third term bid before us, we do not want ‘wamu yayaya’,” he said.



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