‘Education key to prosperity’

Tue, 18 Apr 2017 10:22:20 +0000




EDUCATION is key to a prosperous and healthy community as it empowers people with literacy tools, says Kapwepwe ward councillor Patrick Salubusa.

Mr Salubusa said this when he recently inspected Government schools in his ward.

He said that he would ensure pupils, teachers, parents and the community placed value on education during his tenure of office. He started the tour with his former school, Namando Primary School in Chunga compound where he donated Exam Made Easy books and DVDs to Grade 7 pupils.

The civic leader pledged to come up with a fundraising committee for the school which would see the active participation of former pupils of Namando among them Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Catherine Namugala.

Among the challenges brought out by the school head teacher Felistus Chembe included lack of adequate classrooms, lack of teachers’ accommodation and fewer desks.

At Chunga and Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula primary schools in Lilanda Site Five teachers at both schools complained about lack of security.

Mr Salubusa told them the Ward Development Committee’s security and crime prevention wing had embarked on a project to establish neighbourhood watch committees in all the 12 zones to combat crime and uncollected garbage.

Head teacher at Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula Mr  Peter Chipwaya appealed to the councillor to help in building another ablution block considering that the school has 36 classes.

Meanwhile, the office of the area councillor and Chunga Primary School agreed to embark soon on a project aimed at teaching Information Communication Technology (ICT) to the women in Kapwepwe ward as a way of empowering them and responding to the fight against illiteracy in the ward.

School head teacher Emmah Chola said with the devolution of power the office of the area councillor and that of the school head teacher were key partners. And after the tour of Twalumba Primary School both the area councillor and the head teacher Daniel Zulu agreed that it was possible for the school  to be turned into a secondary school considering the facilities it has.

At Desai Primary School, the councillor called for the construction of a new ablution block as the current one was in bad shape and had been in use since 1983 when the school opened.


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