Electrification of rural schools cheers BETUZ

Wed, 08 Mar 2017 10:20:36 +0000



GOVERNMENT has been commended for the rural electrification programme which has benefited some schools in Kanyama and Kakoma chiefdoms in Mwinilunga.

Basic Teachers Union of Zambia (BETUZ) district chairperson Rodger Lukwesa said the electrification of both primary and secondary schools in the two areas will positively impact on learner performance as it had motivated teachers and pupils.

He said this in a statement and made available to the Daily Nation yesterday.

Mr Lukwesa said schools like  Kanyama, Munwa, Nsweta, Mukumba, Lukokwa, Kalumbinga and Kalukundu, including Kakoma and Kanyama secondary schools, were some of the learning institutions that had benefitted from the electrification programme.

He called on teachers in the district to sensitize communities against early marriages among young girls to reduce on high illiteracy levels in rural communities.

Mr Lukwesa noted with sadness that despite Government’s efforts to improve learning infrastructure and teacher deployment in rural areas, some parents were still marrying off their children at a tender age at the expense of attaining education.



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