Engineers back Govt ban on expat recruiment

Sat, 25 Mar 2017 11:47:34 +0000

THE decision by Government to temporarily suspend renewal of work permits for expatriates to ensure local jobs are held by Zambians is commendable, says the Engineering Institution of Zambia (EIZ) president George Sitali.

In a statement issued to the Daily Nation by EIZ communications department, Mr Sitali commended the Minister of Home Affairs Stephen Kampyongo for the move because it will help safeguard jobs for the local people, especially in the mines where most jobs are taken up by expatriates.

Mr Sitali was reacting to pronouncement by home affairs minister that government had with immediate effect suspended the extension of conditional work permits until the system was re-organized to eliminate abuse.

The minister said that work permits given to expatriates were brought in by investors to train Zambians but that the process had been abused as some unscrupulous Zambians connived with some investors beyond the stipulated period of permits.

“This is why as EIZ we will we always endeavor to work with the Government through the Immigration Department to ensure that before the renewal of work permit is done the understudies have been adequately trained to take over from the expatriate with the terms of reference of the Zambianisation policy,” he said.

Mr Sitali said that EIZ has now made it a requirement for all expatriates intending to work in the country to get clearance and a practicing licence from the Engineering Institution of Zambia before obtaining a work permit from the Immigration Department.


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