FAZ councillors urged to put Zambia first

Sun, 19 Mar 2017 13:13:06 +0000




COUNCILLORS have been urged to put aside their self-interest and implement the FIFA requirement of reducing the Football Association of Zambia electoral college to 80 to save Zambia from suspension.

FAZ member Keagan Chipango made the appeal in an interview yesterday ahead of the FAZ general meeting set for March 25 in Lusaka.

FIFA has given FAZ until March 31 as the final deadline to review its constitution or risk being suspended from participating in all football activities which include the Under-20 World Cup in South Korea.

Chipango said Zambia has started regaining its position as a power house on the continent, stemming from the Under-20 victory last Sunday, therefore it was illogical of any individual to cut short this progress.

“I wish to urge my fellow councillors to put the nation’s interest first when we meet to review the constitution. I know many lower division teams feel they are losing their voting rights, but I believe we can find ways of having an equal representation at FAZ meetings.

“But to decide to ignore the FIFA warning will be denying the 14 million Zambians the beautiful sport.

The qualification of the Junior Chipolopolo to the World Cup will be meaningless once the country is suspended,” he said.

He disclosed that there were some councillors still pushing for the impeachment of FAZ chief Andrew Kamanga.

He said some named individuals were influencing lower division teams to vote against the adoption of the constitution to embarrass Kamanga.

“Those individuals still pushing for the downfall of Kamanga are doing so at their own peril.

The FAZ president was given a four-year mandate and no one can cut it short due to bitterness. More than 2/3 of the councillors are behind him and want Zambia to continue performing well in international tournaments,” Chipango said.



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