FDD official exposes Nawakwi’s sinister plans

Mon, 03 Apr 2017 10:59:29 +0000

THE arbitrary suspensions and expulsions going in the Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) are tailored to instill fear in all the members opposed to Ms Edith Nawakwi third term bid, says  the party losing candidate for Chitambo constituency Crawford Mukando.

Mr Mukando, who has since announced his intentions to contest the same seat as an independent candidate in 2021, charged that he personally, felt that the ongoing arbitrary suspensions and expulsion in the FDD was not the right way to go.

He wondered why Ms Nawakwi with all the powers could not call for a fora or an indaba by inviting everyone where they will be able to give and vent out their misgiving, anger, grievances and resolve.

“This whole thing of  one  insulting the other is like there is nothing going on in the party but just washing dirty linen and they are destroying their party,” Mr. Mukando said.

Mr. Mukando was reacting to the recent expulsion of a group of FDD members calling themselves ‘Save FDD committee’’ among them the vice president Mr. Chifumu Banda.

He said there should be a formal discussions within the party with a sober mind because people needed to speak out their minds on what they wanted.

“Ms Nawakwi should give them audience because no one is going to kill her and no one is going to kill the ‘Save FDD committee’ members,” Mr. Mukando said.

He said the serve FDD committee should be heard by allowing them to explain what they wanted to bring to the party.

“Give people what they want and we should also realise that president Nawakwi is still the leader of the party and deserves the respect but also she should respect members by giving them a fora to air their grievances,

“It is actually constitutional for every members to exercise their democratic rights. That is my position,” Mr. Mukando said.

Meanwhile, Mr. Mukando, who took time to comment on the ICC debate, commended President Lungu for allowing all the citizens to participate on whether or not Zambia should withdraw its membership.

He said what President Edgar Lungu had merely done was to allow all the citizens to participate through public hearing organized by the ministry of justice so that  the process could be democratic and transparent.

Mr. Mukando said all those who were opposing the process had a mental indispline problem, adding that part of discipline was to be consistent in the calls that the nation stood for.


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