Former Ndola mayor Munthali, two others charged

Tue, 14 Mar 2017 11:25:57 +0000




FORMER Ndola mayor, two others have been charged with conduct likely to cause breach of peace, Copperbelt police commissioner Charity Katanga has said.

Ms.Katanga said her men arrested former Ndola PF  Mayor Samuel Muthali and former PF Chipulukusu ward Councillor Laban Chibuye who have since been released after paying admission penalty fees.

Ms Katanga said the duo had been summoned to Ndola central police after it was established that they had sat an illegal party meeting at Chipulukusu primary school.

“Yes we had summoned the former mayor for Ndola Mr.Muthali and a Mr.Chibuye. At first they had been charged with the offence unlawful assembly and later police changed the charge to conduct likely to cause breach of peace,

“They had gone ahead to conduct a meeting in Chipulukusu which is in Ndola central constituency without notifying the police and that was two days ago. When the information got to us, we summoned them and charged them for the offence”, she said.

Ms.Katanga has since warned that law breakers will face the wrath of the law.

She said the police in the province will not discriminate but ensure that all residents regardless of their party inclination follow the law.

She said that it was in order for everyone to follow guidelines under public order act (POA) whenever they planned to hold a meeting.

However  Ms. Katanga refused to comment when questioned if her officers had also warned and cautioned the officials in the land battle involving the two officials and Senior Chief Chiwala.

Police sources who sought anonymity  in Ndola disclosed that  a warned and cautioned statement was recorded from, Munthali and Chibuye over the illegal sale of land belonging to Senior chief Chiwala.

Senior chief Chiwala has sued Munthali and some senior PF officials for allegedly selling customary land corruptly in Masaiti.

Chief Chiwala of the Lamba people in Masaiti recently said that over 300 hectares of land had been sold by PF cadres.


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