Girl orphan tells  her story

Fri, 17 Mar 2017 07:25:55 +0000


I’ve a dream one day things will be better, says 16-year-old Mukuka




I COULD only survive on the sale of munkoyo (a traditional drink) in my community, I had no one to help me go to school and finish my school, says 16-year-old Mukuka Bwalya.

It is every child’s dream to grow in a family consisting of both parents, but for others like Mukuka it’s not a dream come true.

Mukuka, a resident of Misisi compound in Lusaka, narrates that she was born on the 20th of June, 2001, from what she was told by her late grandmother.

She told the Daily Nation that she was looked after by her grandmother when she lost her parents at the age of one year in a road accident.

“My grandmother took care of me when I lost my parents in a road accident, but unfortunately I lost my grandmother too when I was only nine years old,” she said.

Life has not been easy for Mukuka as she had to fend for herself at a tender age.

Mukuka was left with only a thatched house that she lived in with her grandmother before she died.

“Everyone abandoned us, grandmother was very old to work hard in order to support us, she only sold munkoyo for a living, and the money wasn’t enough to take me to school,” she said.

When she lost her grandmother, no family member was there to help with the funeral logistics, only a few neighbors in the community.

“Everyone here is very helpful with the few resources they have, and when they have much, they still help to show love,” she said.

‘‘Starting up my life from scratch with strangers at that tender age was not an easy thing for me, because I felt empty and so alone,’’ she said.

‘‘My grandmother used to make munkoyo for our survival, I followed through her footsteps and started doing the same to sustain myself.’’

Mukuka has been selling munkoyo from the age of 10 to date and has been able to survive through the business.

“I have never attended school and wish one day I could go to school and become a better person in life,” she said.

‘‘There have been people coming to offer help, especially men, but with evil intentions, so I had to turn down their offers.

“I have suffered so much in life, I wouldn’t want to add more salt to the wounds that pain me for the loss of my loved ones,” she says.

“I have seen my friends go to school and I admire them so much, but on the other hand, I am discouraged to ask for help because I feel everyone will ask me for something in return for them to help me,” she said.

‘‘Making munkoyo is something I can never despise even when I become the wealthiest person in the world,’’ she said.

Mukuka said everything people do they must do it to the best of their ability in order to keep moving and not depend on anyone.

Mukuka has now broadened her business by selling fritters.

She said girls should not indulge themselves in immoral acts just to have money to survive because there were so many survival skills that one could venture into apart from prostitution.

“It’s not that I don’t want money, I really do, but I wouldn’t trade my dignity for money which never lasts. I would rather invest in my talent to help me in all my endeavors,” she added.

‘‘Sometimes life gives us different opportunities; others live a happy life, others struggle to make it, and others give up because they can’t endure.

“I have a dream that one day things will be okay for me because I know my God is able, he has seen me through it all, he will see me through all my tribulations,” Mukuka said.


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