Govt enhances trade, revenue collection projects

Tue, 18 Apr 2017 06:20:01 +0000



GOVERNMENT has commenced the development of the single window that will reduce transit times to 48 hours to enhance trade facilitation and revenue collection, Chief Government spokesperson Kampamba Mulenga has said.

Ms Mulenga said the nation might be aware that the Government announced in the 2017 Budget that it had developed an Economic Growth and Stabilisation Programme (ESGP) called “Zambia Plus”.

She said under the programme, Government had put in place some of the key areas of reform under the programme to enhance revenue.

Ms. Mulenga said among the projects to be implemented included the mineral value chain monitoring project and rolling out of Road Toll Sites to enhance revenue and in particular sustainably support infrastructure development.

She said the procurement of electronic devices was also underway to improve VAT collections and adherences to receipting by business houses.

Ms. Mulenga said the economic stabilisation and growth programme outlined policy and structural reforms for effective implementation of development programmes under the Seventh National Development Programme (7NDP) that would be launched soon.

Ms. Mulenga said the economic stabilisation and growth programme, in particular elevating gross international reserves and providing balance of payments support had so far resulted in relative stabilisation of the economy.

She recently disclosed that the Government would keep the country informed on the discussions with the IMF as they progressed, and assured the public that it was on course with stabilizing the economy and ensuring higher growth rates going forward.

“The nation may wish to note that the IMF approach has evolved from prescription to engagement, and IMF programmes now emphasise ownership of programmes by countries.

The IMF also emphasised on policies that focus on social protection, inclusive growth that has potential to create jobs and reduce poverty including ring-fencing of programmes in the health and education sectors, and it is done away with structural conditionalities such as wage freeze as these had a negative impact on poverty,” she explained.


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