Tue, 26 Sep 2017 14:33:04 +0000
By Simon Muntemba
GOVERNMENT has expressed support for the continuity of the International Basic Sciences Programme (IBSP) at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).
Zambia’s ambassador to France Humphrey Chibanda said that there was need for Zambia to refocus on the International Basic Sciences programme so as to achieve the agenda 2030.
The IBSP which has been in existence since 2005 is an instrument for reinforcing international or intergovernmental cooperation for strengthening national capacities in science, sharing scientific knowledge, promoting Science Education and reducing the divide in the basic sciences.
And in view of limited financial resources, the Internal Oversight Service of UNESCO recommended to Member States to either discontinue or to refocus the programme after an evaluation of the programme it conducted.
Speaking at the tenth intersessional meeting of Executive board members in preparation for the two hundred and second of the Executive Board held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, Mr Chibanda stressed the need to refocus on the programme so as to achieve the agenda 2030.
“The IBSP has successfully nurtured international and regional cooperation around a number of significant and relevant initiatives since its inception, hence it is imperative that the programme is re-evaluated and not discontinued.
“It is for this reason that Zambia expresses its Support for the continuity of the International Basic Sciences Program at UNESCO,” Mr Chibanda said.
According to a statement issued by the first secretary for press and permanent delegation to UNESCO Yande Musonda, the ambassador also said that sustainable development cannot happen without science, as basic science was a prolific ingredient in successful scientific research.