HH arrogance simply shocking

Tue, 22 Aug 2017 12:19:29 +0000

Dear Editor

Those of us who have followed HH since his famous nolle prosequi are left with one conclusion that his arrogance has even worsened.

Now I am more than convinced that truly the gods first make mad those they want to destroy.

 Just watch and follow the political life of HH and this doctrine will come to pass soon or later.

For, I think even those who think the planned talks between him and President Lungu will bringing about reconciliation are time wasters. HH is simply incorrigible and only Jesus can correct him.

The way he talks and the interview he gave to BBC, he is far from being ordinary, only this time he is worse.

But he should mark my words that he will NEVER rule Zamia if he carries on like he is doing.

 You know his stuff like “I am the best, I know everything…I am the smartest Zambian….I am the only one who can fix the economy….I am the only who can beat the drum…I am the best economist in Zambia and I am blur bla bla…

And my conclusion is simple; there can never be any reconciliation between HH and President Lungu because the two men are in two different worlds to reconcile.

When I toy with my fantasy and see HH as republican president I wake up with my heart pounding and scaring me to death.

Would HH leave State House in an elections loss? Your guess is mine but God has put his hand in this great nation.

Josiah Soko, Salima Road, Matero


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