HH, please give us a break!
Sat, 11 Feb 2017 09:40:43 +0000
Dear Editor,
It is Justice Minister Mr Given Lubinda who yesterday made my day when he stated that each time UPND Hakainde Hichilema leader opens his mouth he quickly sticks in his foot.
I laughed all day because somehow it made a lot of sense to me because since his loss of elections to President Edgar Lungu the man has not been himself.
A new lie. He has told his fatuous newspaper, Mast that President Lungu wants to pull Zambia out of ICC to cover own trucks. How Mr HH?
In fact who has more to tell Zambians between him and President Lungu? If today a commission of inquiry was instituted to probe HH’s wealth, I am more than sure the story will be a seller.I know that the best form of defence is to attack, but sometimes it does work like that.
Trite adage is that those who are always attacking have something to hide because they have to create some kind of a security line just in case.
It is all easy to see the lie in HH’s statement. Someone would have called it a fat lie. And the man is vying for State House, my foot!
President Lungu, in his usual wisdom has said pulling out of ICC, if there will be that need, will have to take a lot of consultation not with Zambians only but with the African Union (AU) as well. It cant be better than that.
Holy Moses, if losing an election can make someone that mad, then I will try by all means to avoid politics.
Even Jesus Christ cautioned those who are in the habit of accusing others when he said do not point out a log in your friend’s eye when you have two.
On mother Earth nobody is perfect inducing HH. He has some skeletons of some kind in his cupboard like we all have. It’s part of nature.
But the venom he has for PF and President Lungu for losing elections is beyond description. It is not human. It is toxic.
It exhibits general hopelessness of his life such that he does not want to listen to what is going in his life, the reality that he is not president of Zambia and he probably will not be in the nearest future.
For me HH is slowly and surly becoming irrelevant to Zambian politics and if continues to carry himself in the manner he is doing he can forget his dreams of ever ruling this great country.
Don’t they say that charity begins at home? It is just a matter of time, the truth will catch up with soon like it did with Fred M’membe.
Josiah Soko, Salima Road