Hold your fire-Lungu
Mon, 26 Dec 2016 10:16:31 +0000
WE WILL all go for elections at the rightful time to have a renewal of our mandate but will not be distracted by people who have vented their anger and desire on taking over from me in 2021 because it is time to work, President Edgar Lungu has charged.
President Lungu said it was normal to have differences in opinions in any set up but that his preoccupation was to work for the benefit of Zambians and would not be distracted by those who were agitating for elections before time.
Commenting on perceived squabbles within the ruling PF in relation to calls to hold fresh elections for all office-bearers, President Lungu said his mandate and that of others in the party was delivering development to Zambians through coexistence which he said was vital.
He said there was no need for party members to be worried about differences in opinions but that what was important was to remain united.
“The fact that there are differences on opinions and ambitions in some cases should not worry us so much that we forget our cause for coexistence because the cause for coexistence is talking about development,” President Lungu said
He said PF as a political party and in charge of government should not be distracted by people who were venting their anger on ambition and desire to take-over from him in 2021.
“I have heard statements in the media that there is friction in PF. Yes there could be friction if you perceive it that way but for me, we are united and we are focussed on our cause over leadership and also focussed on the growth and national development,” he said
He said politics of bickering resurfaced from time to time but assured the party that he would not stand in the way to block a convention because members had the right to validate their leaders’ stay in office.
“We are not like others who say we are reliable leaders and we do not need to go for a convention, just vote for us in 2021. If that was the case in a democracy, then we would have also said Zambia has done well, everything is stable and there is no need to go for elections in 2021 but is that democracy?
“Time will come for us all to go for elections and people will revalidate our mandate but for now, it is all about work, work, and work and nothing else,” he said.