ICC consultative process starts in North West

Tue, 04 Apr 2017 10:31:45 +0000



ICC Consultative Meetings Commence in North Western

THE consultative process on Zambia’s position regarding its membership to the International Criminal Court (ICC) has started in North Western Province.

The sittings will take place in three districts of Solwezi, Zambezi and Mwinilunga respectively.

Provincial permanent secretary Ephraim Mateyo said government would remain neutral on the matter and that its decision will be based on the submissions from Zambians.

Mr Mateyo said that currently there was no formal complaint which has been referred to the ICC by Zambia and vice versa.

He said President Lungu’s move to consult the people on the matter was as a result of keeping the tenets of good governance.

“Therefore, the government of the Republic of Zambia is embarking on this consultative process with clean hands,” he said.

He said Zambia was expected to give her position on the matter during the 29th summit of the Assembly of the African Union scheduled for June this year in Addis.

He said the ICC consultative process was not a commission of enquiry nor a referendum and that people should not politicise it.  “And it is not here to find out who won the elections or who the president is, no we are not talking about ICC. The people that are carrying out the consultative process are here for the people in the province to either agree for membership to the ICC or not, no politics involved,” he said.

The permanent secretary had since urged members of the public to make independent submissions on the matter.

Meanwhile, Ministry of Justice Corporate Governance analyst Rodney Machila said it was government’s view that Zambians should decide whether to remain in ICC or not.


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