Illegal timber traders threaten river source

Fri, 14 Apr 2017 11:18:22 +0000


IKELENG’E district commissioner Victor Kayekesi has warned illegal timber harvesters in the district that they will face the wrath of the law because their activities are adversely affecting the source of the Zambezi River at Kalene Hills.

Mr Kayekesi said the catchment area, which is the source of the Zambezi River, was slowly drying up because of rampant deforestation by illegal timber harvesters and so it was imperative that the vice was stopped.

The commissioner said Government departments like Forestry and others should work together to protect the forests by discouraging rampant deforestation and encouraging the replanting of trees.

Two weeks ago ZESCO launched a tree planting programme at Kelundu Basic School in Ikeleng’e district under the theme ‘‘Planting a minimum of one hectare of trees per year’’.

Mr Kayekesi said to strengthen ZESCO’s desire to preserve forests in order to save catchment areas feeding hydro-power schemes, the people in the area should desist from rampant deforestation.

“Rampant deforestation is devastating and can lead to rivers drying up. This is why after the tree planting launch by ZESCO, the people in the area should be sensitized on the dangers of deforestation.

“As Government, we will continue to sensitize the people about deforestation and also educate them on the importance of replanting trees. Most of all, let me warn illegal timber harvesters in the district that they will face the wrath of the law because their activities are adversely affecting the source of the Zambezi River at Kalene Hills,” Mr Kayekesi said.

And Mr Kayekesi has said he was impressed that the district was receiving development in health, education and others sectors of the economy.

He said the health sector in the district had received 52 health workers who will help to improve service delivery in various parts of the district.

He said despite the challenges that the district was facing, the Government of President Edgar Lungu was trying its best to improve people’s lives in the area.

“Despite the fact that people in this part of the country did not vote for President Edgar Lungu, his Government is delivering development indiscriminately regardless of who voted for him or not. This is true leadership. So far, we have received 52 health workers in the district,” he said.


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