‘Imposed’ careers lower productivity – ZFE

Fri, 03 Mar 2017 11:00:59 +0000




A CAREER where the individual has no love for the job lowers productivity because it is uninspiring, says the Zambia Federation of Employment (ZFE) manager for economics and policy, Hillary Hazele.

Mr Hazele said this was so because when people applied for a job they did not have love for they would only be working to earn an income.

Mr. Hazele urged parents to take up the role of choosing careers for their children because there was not enough career guidance for pupils in secondary schools.

“Parents should look at the industry out there and advise their children based on what they feel is more marketable on the job market.

“This is what they should do because the children do not have enough back-up information for what they would like to pursue; they are not able to convince their parents otherwise,” he said.

He said that if the children had enough career information and guidance they would be able to explain to their parents why they had chosen such a career.

“Parents should identify what interests their children to advise them on what they can do better and not just choose a profession for them because they feel there is money and it commands respect in society,” Mr. Hazele said.

However, Families and Nations country coordinator Judith Mwila said that some parents think that because they failed to become a doctor, their son or daughter should definitely become one.

Ms. Mwila said that imposed careers had a negative impact on work productivity and it was important for parents to identify their children’s interests and help to guide them.

“When as parents we think that some careers cannot be lucrative, the best would be to make the children understand what the career you want them to study is all about and why the career they want to pursue is not a good option,” she said.


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