Sun, 21 Jan 2018 09:10:03 +0000


WHAT could be more shameful than the reply made by PF Roan Member of Parliament and NDC aspiring 2021 presidential candidate Chishimba Kambwili to calls from PF youth leader Kennedy Kamba for those who have turned against the party and President Edgar Lungu to give up their parliamentary seats and stop masquerading as members?

Mr Kambwili responded by saying that he would only leave at a time of his choosing. The statement aptly reinforced his incomprehensible, irremediable and his dizzying political somersaults from an accused graft-leaning politician to a champion of nefarious and venal accusers and now a diehard NDC consultant. Needless to say, the situation does not bode well for his future political exploits due to his uncouth mouth.

When President Lungu swore in Joseph Malanji as minister of Foreign Affairs and Alexander Chiteme as minister of National Development Planning at State House, he said the PF was still a popular and attractive party and challenged those that felt they could not serve under his leadership to leave. 

The President questioned why some people that did not want to work with him in Government were still clinging on to the PF, the party that formed Government, both of which were under his leadership. The speech the President made that day deserves to be set in stone.

It is time the President to put an end their stay in Parliament representing PF, which they have dishonoured by their contempt of all virtue, and defiled by their practice of every vice; they are a factious crew, and enemies of all good governance. 

They are a pair of mercenary turncoats, and would, like the Biblical Esau, sell their party for a mess of potage; and like Biblical Judas, betray their God for a few pieces of money.

Is there a single virtue now remaining between them? Is there one vice they do not possess? They have no more PF constituents to be proud of; noise on unfounded corruption allegations is their coinage.

Which of them have not bartered his conscience for bribes from the regime change cartel? Is there a man between them that has the least care for the good of the common people?

The former Foreign Affairs minister and former Information and Broadcasting minister’s decision to retain their parliamentary seats for Bahati and Roan constituencies respectively, smack of sordid political prostitution!

Have they not defiled this sacrosanct place, tainted and turned the country’s temple into a den of traitors, by their immoral principles and wicked practices?

Mr Kambwili and M Kalaba have grown intolerably odious to the whole ruling party; they were deputed in Parliament by the PF general supporters to get socio-economic grievances redressed, but are themselves become the greatest grievance?

The PF grassroots membership therefore calls upon the PF central committee officials to cleanse this NDC shenanigans by putting a final period to Chishimba Kambwili and Harry Kalaba’s iniquitous parliamentary membership on the PF ticket; and which by God’s help and the strength he has given the PF central committee, they need to act expeditiously whether in court or in parliament. In the name of God, the duo must go and leave PF alone now!

Strange as it may appear, when Mr Kambwili and Mr Kalaba lost their government jobs, they also lost their minds because these people now come to us with unfounded allegations of corruption in Gvernment and make us look like we are the most dim-witted creatures God ever created!

Have they ever heard of an MP of a governing party anywhere in Africa and the world at large that disparages his own party leadership and government, and mounts a public campaign against them that moves from city to city, town to town across the length and breadth of the land?

Well, wait for this. First it was Mr Kambwili, now it is Mr Kalaba. The two can best be described as traitors and selfish individuals who claim to be party loyalists while at the same time demeaning the party president and undermining his Government.

In short, what is PF top leaders going to do now? Are they going to just sit and wait until the duo decides to quit the party willy-nilly, because Chishimba Kambwili and Harry Kalaba want them to do that? Or are they going to stand up and puff their chests as proud and patriotic Zambians who want to safeguard their “way of life”? Are they going to issue a counter public campaign saying

 “We hear you, Chishimba Kambwili and Harry Kalaba, but we won’t be slandered around by people who, not too long ago, were fired or resigned preemptively because they were about to be chopped embarrassingly from government for being corrupt and power hungry! And anyway, how many corruption cases involving former or serving government officials at the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) have been referred to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for advice? How many?”

Does  Chishimba Kambwili know what pertains in his own constituency Roan? In the name of God, he and Harry Kalaba should leave the PF alone to learn how to come to terms with their newly found liberties in NDC!

In the name of God, they should stop forcing their misplaced values and nefarious and venal smears on PF! If they were wise, they would keep quiet and leave the PF top and grassroots leaders to their own devices. This way, they would better help the newly-acquired NDC membership from the ex-MMD persons and their cause, for they generally won’t mind what one did previously in the secrecy of his own government office before being fired for alleged corruption.

But trying to force the PF top and grassroots leaders to legally or illegally accept someone back or retain him that so abhors them is tantamount to asking them to politically pick up arms and fight. And they will politically fight if pushed around! But hey, these are just the reflections of an ordinary Zambian observer.


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