Kabompo expects bumper maize harvest

Fri, 03 Mar 2017 12:22:49 +0000



KABOMPO district in North Western Province will record an increased maize harvest this season, says senior agriculture officer Solani Mweemba.

Mr Mweemba said the forecast indicated an output of 315,157 bags, an increase of 71 percent from the 183,381 bags produced last year.

Mr Mweemba said this during a preliminary crop forecasting meeting held at the agriculture conference room yesterday.

He said the surplus in production could be attributed to a good rainfall pattern being experienced this year and the increment of 27 percent of fertilizer supplied through the Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP).

He said while the district witnessed an infestation of stalk borer which threatened the livelihood of many, quick intervention by the Department of Agriculture was able to bring the situation under control and ensured food security.

And speaking earlier, district agriculture coordinator (DACO) Peter Chibizwa said the department was badly hit by transport challenges for field officers.

Mr Chibizwa implored his officers to make food security their main priority because most people in the district relied on agriculture for survival.



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