Wed, 01 Nov 2017 13:09:15 +0000
By Ketra Kalunga
A WOMAN in Kabwe’s Makandanyama area has died after she took some unidentified medicine.
Ms Mercy Ngoma, believed to be in her mid 20s took the substance after she cut herself with a broken bottle during an argument with her uncle only identified as Lucky.
A witness, Ms Margaret Tembo, her sister in-law told the Daily Nation at the scene that Mercy argued with her uncle over his plan to take her to his farm after the death of her daughter and mother.
Ms Tembo explained that Mrtcy’s uncle wanted to take her with him because the family didn’t see it fit for her to stay alone after the death of her daughter three days ago and mother a month ago.
“Mercy argued with her uncle because he wanted to take her to his farm saying you can’t be staying alone especially that you have lost your daughter and mother in a short period but she refused and in the process started breaking the empty bottles and cut her self.
She then left home to drink beer and when she came back around midnight, she told me that the wounds are paining and took some medicine, “but I don’t know what type of medicine she took.”.
Ms She said after she woke up around 05:00 hours and called out to her sister in-law, she did not respond. She tried to shake her and could not move. She added that it was at this point that she called out to the neighbours for help.
The body was picked around 09:00 hours by police from Kasanda police station and taken to Kabwe General Hospital to ascertain the cause of death.