Kalumbila Rural residents demand health post

Mon, 13 Mar 2017 10:39:52 +0000



RESIDENTS of Shalamba community in Senior Chief Musele’s chiefdom of Kalumbila district have appealed to Government to consider putting up a health post in the area.

Shalamba community is about 17 kilometres from Kalumbila mine and stretches from Shinen’gene South resettlement area to Nyansowe in Mumbezhi area with a population of about 700.

Sub chief Kapaku told the Daily Nation in an interview that lack of a health facility had denied the people in the community the much needed health services.

The traditional leader explained that people covered long distances to seek medical services, a situation he described as unfortunate.

“The nearest health facility is Holy Family Mission clinic in Mumbezhi area which is about 15 kilometres. So, Government should quickly look into this situation,” he said.

He said pregnant mothers and children found it hard to cover such a distance especially during the rainy season.

The traditional leader also appealed to relevant authorities to work on the road that leads from Shalamba to Mumbezhi which he said was the only one that people use to access other services.

“As we speak, the road is impassable, no vehicle can move on that road apart from bicycles,” he said.


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