KCC worker nabbed for locking up offices

Thu, 23 Mar 2017 10:17:16 +0000



WORKERS at the Kitwe City Council (KCC) yesterday woke up to a rude shock when they found that 17 offices were locked up with key blockers by a fellow council worker who was recently suspended for inciting bus drivers not to pay levies to the council.

Peter Makumbi, a clerical officer is reported to have gone to the civic centre around 20.00 hours on the pretext to park a vehicle he had impounded.

But he instead pushed in key blockers to 17 offices.

Council employees who were reporting for work yesterday morning were shocked to find that their officers were locked up with key blockers and were made to sit outside to wait for a solution.

Police officers were called in, and Makumbi was made to open all the 17 offices before he was bundled in the Zambia Police Land Cruiser.

Copperbelt Province Police Chief Charity Katanga confirmed the arrest of Mr Makumbi, but could not give more details on the matter.

“Yes, I have received that information, but I am yet to receive more details on the matter. As soon as I get more details, I will get back to you,” Ms Katanga said.

But Mr Makumbi later said he had locked up the doors because he wanted to expose some corrupt officers at the council on whom he had evidence.

And speaking later, Kitwe City Council (KCC) public relations manager Dorothy Sampa also confirmed that Mr Makumbi had locked up 17 offices with key blockers.

Ms Sampa described Mr Makumbi as a disgruntled worker who was recently suspended for inciting bus drivers not to pay levies to the council


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