LAZ condemns UPND boycott

Thu, 23 Mar 2017 10:25:37 +0000



THE Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) strongly condemns the UPND MPs for boycotting President Edgar Lungu’s state of the nation address to Parliament last Friday, LAZ president Linda Kasonde has charged.

Responding to a query, Ms Kasonde said that the Zambian system of government entailed that the people were represented by their elected representatives in Parliament.

She reiterated that all MPs should participate in all parliamentary affairs in order to give effective representation to their people.

Ms Kasonde pointed out that sovereign authority was vested in the people of Zambia and that it might be exercised directly or through elected or appointed representatives.

She said that LAZ strongly condemned the continued boycott of Parliament by UPND Members of Parliament.

Ms Kasonde said that the address by the Republican President brought out important national issues that needed to be considered and debated upon by all MPs.

“To give effective representation, MPs must participate in all parliamentary affairs. That is democracy. According to Article 5 of the Constitution, sovereign authority vests in the people of Zambia, which may be exercised directly or through elected or appointed representatives or institutions.

“LAZ, therefore, strongly condemns the continued boycotting of Parliament by UPND Members of Parliament, particularly as the address by the Republican President brings out important national issues that need to be considered and debated upon by all Members of Parliament,” she said.

Ms Kasonde called on all MPs despite political affiliation to give effective representation to the people of Zambia.

UPND MPs had earlier boycotted the official opening of Parliament by President Lungu on 18th September, 2016, on account that the elections were rigged and that the matter was still in court.

This would be seen as a continued defiance by the opposition party who still claim to have won the August 11 2016 polls and were still fighting in the courts.

Only Chilanga MP Keith Mukata, who is a former MMD MP for the same constituency, was present from the opposition UPND.


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