Let us reduce teacher-pupils ratio, says Wusakile MP
Sat, 11 Feb 2017 10:07:18 +0000
WUSAKILE Member of Parliament (MP) Pavyuma Kalobo has called for the rolling wheels of infrastructure development in schools to reduce the teacher-pupil ratio.
Mr Kalobo said due to the increasing population in the constituency, there was need to expedite the construction of learning institutions.
He said the constituency will continue to engage the office of the Town Clerk in ensuring that the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) was put to good use by enhancing collaboration and consultation during implementation of the projects.
Mr Kalobo was speaking yesterday when he commissioned the 1×3 classroom block at Malela Secondary School which was constructed by the CDF at a l cost of K294,000.
“The people of Wusakile and Chamboli community in particular are over joyed to witness the completion of the 1×3 classroom block to witness the completion of this classroom block we are commissioning today which was built using the CDF at a total cost of K294,00,
‘I would like to state that due to the population growth in our constituency, there is great need to expedite the rolling wheels of infrastructure development so as to bring the teacher-pupil ratio down,” Mr Kalobo said.
“I want to assure the people of Wusakile, that as your leader I will continue to remain open to your ideas on how best together we can make Wusakile great and value your continued support,
“To this, effect, today, we will be laying a foundation for the construction of a school hall here. I implore the corporate world to join hands in ensuring that this project becomes a reality,” he said.
And speaking earlier, acting Copperbelt provincial education office, Alexander Mwenya Mulenga said the construction of the 1×3 classroom block would leave an indelible mark at Malela Secondary School.
Mr Mulenga said the new 1×3 classroom block would increase the number of school places for children from Chamboli township and other constituencies.
The commissioning was attended by Kitwe District Commissioner (DC) Binwell Mpundu, Town Clerk Bornwell Luanga, acting Copperbelt Provincial Education Officer (PEO) Alexander Mwenya Mulenga, Kitwe District Education Board Secretary (DEBS) Kezaka Mwale.