Let’s make PF more attractive – Simbyakula

Sat, 21 Jan 2017 13:49:22 +0000


PATRIOTIC Front (PF) national chairperson Dr Ngosa Simbyakula has urged PF members across the country to work hard in popularising the development agenda of the ruling party so that Zambians can appreciate it and choose to support the party.

Dr Simbyakula has told the members of the PF that there was need for effective strategies to make the ruling party attractive in areas where it was not strong.

The former minister of justice said this yesterday at a meeting at Fringilla in Chibombo district as part of the PF Secretary General Davis Mwila’s tour of Central province,

“We can stay in power for a long time and change the lives of our people and the face of our country.

“But for us to succeed we need to devise strategies to make our party not only attractive but effective in delivering development,” Dr Simbyakula said.

And speaking at the same meeting which was attended by several other members of the Central Committee (MCCs), PF officials from Katuba and Keembe constituencies of Chibombo district, Mr Mwila guided the officials on how to fill positions that fall vacant in the party structures.

“If a position falls vacant for any reason including disciplinary reasons before the next party elections, such vacancy should be filled by those in the immediate lower structure,” said Mr Mwila.

Mr Mwila warned PF members against picking people outside structures to fill vacant positions.

He urged the members to learn something from their failures and move forward in strengthening the party.


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