
Sun, 02 Apr 2017 11:53:50 +0000

Fred M’membe’s gone from hero to zero

Dear Editor,

It is such a shame that Zambian security wings are failing to locate fugitive Fred M’membe who has a pending arrest warrant against him for criminal cases.

The security agents are not telling the nation why they seem reluctant to start the process of extraditing M’membe from wherever he’s been hiding.

I do not want to believe that the corrupt UPND leadership has oiled the mouth and organisation structure of the security wings in Zambia, for it is the habit of corrupt opposition leaders to criticise and silence influential security wings (“Extradite M’membe from exile”, Daily Nation, March 30, 2017).

The political fallout from grace of Fred M’membe in Zambia has been spectacular. The former proprietor of the Post Newspaper (now in liquidation) has, in some people’s eyes, gone from hero to zero.

The cheers have turned to jeers. It is only five years ago that he supported the PF to a first general election victory in 2011, and was rewarded with a ZRA tax-debt write-off.

The Post Newspaper’s business was then booming, and Fred M’membe was hailed as an influential media tycoon and presidential kingmaker after helping the late Michael Sata ascend to power as the fifth Zambian president.

He was given the rare honour in the late Michael Sata-led government of being asked to nominate the former Post Newspaper’s journalists to be considered for jobs in the PF administration as a sign of appreciation for his journalists’ contributions by the late president.

However, revelations about his newspaper’s tax obligations and tax-dodging affairs with ZRA cast a shadow over PF’s latter years in office and led to the Post Newspaper’s liquidation in July 2016.

Throughout it all, Fred M’membe robustly defended his integrity, saying he had done nothing wrong and appealing to the Zambian people, and fellow journalists and opposition politicians, to believe him.

Therefore, it is quite mind boggling, why he had decided to run away from Zambia and be in self-exile when he had always claimed that he was innocent and even promised Zambians that he was coming back to Zambia ever since the warrant of arrest was made against him.

In the early days of Fred M’membe’s media career, he was known as a political-relations trouble-shooter. In the latter stages, trouble came to his own door.

Ironically, he decided to vociferously criticise and oppose the Edgar Lungu-led government which ended up heavily criticising him.

It found that he failed to tell the truth about large sums of tax-debt he had, in arrears, while supporting the UPND for regime change. Bizarrely, he didn’t want to redeem the tax debt at the time.

Although the PF stopped short of accusing him of vying for another ZRA tax-debt write-off in the event that the UPND won the 2016 polls, it was still damaging.

Looking at the wave of condemnation now aimed at him from all sides of the political spectrum it is hard to believe he was once labelled the “Champion of the Free Press”. Criticism did not use to stick to him.

Not anymore. During the boom times of the Post Newspaper’s business, it seemed he could do no wrong.

He was lauded at home and abroad. Fast forward five years, and that media business is in tatters, and so is Fred M’membe’s media and political career. Truly, he’s gone from hero to zero.

Mubanga Luchembe,



Police should put UPND where it belongs

Dear Editor,

My appeal to the police is to cage the UPND hooligans for ignoring advice not to go ahead holding an illegal rally.

You may wish to employ those boys from Lilayi and I am sure the UPND will have a day to remember when they encounter them.

The UPND should remember that every fighter gets beaten. They cannot forever be the only men and women in the room.

There is a limit to everything because even Lucifer rebelled just once in heaven and got himself exiled for eternity.

If the UPND want to start a civil war, it is well and good but it is one they should squarely lose. They should remember what happened in Nigeria’s Biafra region.

It is all easy to start a war but difficult to stop and bullets do not chose where to stop. They may, in fact, start with HH’s own village. That is the price of war.

We are certainly sick and tired of the UPPD and HH driving us through their unbecoming utterances and

Josiah Soko, Salima Road, Matero


ZESCO new tariffs long overdue

Dear Editor,

I would like to disagree with a customer who complained about tariff increase in the letter dated 30th March, 2017.

It is imperative that the tariffs are increased.  In fact, it is long overdue.   ZESCO’s tariffs are the second lowest in the Southern African region, after Congo.

The current tariff levels cannot support the level of investment needed for quality, reliable electricity supply.

Tariff increase will enable ZESCO make money to invest in solar, thermal and reduce over-reliance on hydro.

With this climate change, we do not know when another drought may occur.

Let ZESCO be proactive and improve economic development as electricity drives the economy.

The consequences of not increasing tariffs will result in under investment in the electricity industry, increased load shedding which will cripple the economy.

Matthew Jere, Economic
expert.  Lusaka


The shame of UPND MPs

Dear Editor,

The biggest opposition political party in Zambia the United Party for National Development has always been accused of being tribal with the majority Tongas and minority tribal cousins, ‘Bantu Botatwe’ as its members.

Efforts to re-brand the party by incorporating multi-billionaire GBM proved futile as was evidenced by the voting pattern in the August 11 elections.

HH, the sole proprietor of the party, has vowed not to recognise the presidency of Edgar Lungu, and now he vents his hatred on the Speaker for reasons best known to himself.

To that effect all but one UPND MPs stayed away for the second time during the presidential address to Parliament.

What is appalling is that the same MPs who do not recognise Edgar as President still call madam Wina as Vice President in the house who was the running mate of Edgar Lungu.

Is it because Inonge is their tribal cousin? One wonders why they shun national events but still go ahead and draw a salary approved by Felix Mutati, the Minister of Finance appointed by Edgar Lungu whom they reject.

Is that not playing double standards? If these honourable men are serious with not recognising Edgar, then let them not attend Parliament because they can’t sit without the President opening it.

Let them not draw any salary, and then, I mean only then shall we say they mean what they say.

As for now, it’s just a circus where they do things to please their leader and on the other hand to fill their bellies.

As things stand, they will continue living in denial until 2021, because Chagwa was elected by 50.4 percent Zambians, the international community have recognised him and that is the more reason why they have been coming and he has been going out.

Chakwiya Bornface,


Appeal to my fellow youth


As a youth of this nation, I feel it is my duty to appeal to my fellow youth to abstain from illicit activities by all means. I have noticed that our society seems to be the source and encourager of a lot of illicit activities and this brings a lot of pain to my heart. In our current era, it seems easier for one to blend into the world rather than turn to God for solace. In fact, sad enough, once people notice that you have decided to choose a life embedded in Christ, they will be the first to criticise and scorn you. Our so called relationships are mostly based on lies, unfaithfulness and abuse. If only my fellow youth could get to a point where they would realise that God’s love is all they need to have peace and comfort, this world would become a better place. Instead of catching on to things that fade, how about us cling to the everlasting God?




UPND with visionless leadership


How can the entire UPND dance to one man’s tune by the name of HH? UPND leadership has no vision including its supporters who are being blackmailed by a good loser in Zambian politics. They don’t know that HH clearly knows that he lost the elections which he does not want to accept because he wants to try his luck again in 2021, hence shunning the party’s convention that does not allow him to contest. Wake up members of this party because HH is pushing chances of the same party to run Government because of his selfish motives.

Lawrence Tembo, Lusaka


Increase in ZESCO tariffs to domestic consumers


I beg to disagree with the statement in your paper dated 29th March 2017 that stated that ZESCO domestic consumers will not be affected by the intended 75 percent tariff increase. The truth is that the increment will be indirectly passed over to consumers by essential commodity producers e.g. bread price will go up by 100 percent including that of irrigation and wheat. Also the price of chickens and eggs will go up. Even mealie-meal prices will shoot up, so let’s not blame millers. I urge ERB not to approve the tariff adjustment. Let ZESCO raise funds through debt collection and loans instead.



Bravo Lawrence Sichalwe 


I say bravo to Mr Sichalwe, the Chawama law maker for the powerful hand extended to his people. May our Almighty God bless you sir.

Chibende John, Kapiri


Parents should take tests seriously  


Very soon all schools in Zambia will start administering end of term one tests from pre-school to Grade 12. These tests must be taken seriously by parents. Parents should ensure that children sit for all the papers. The tests help the teachers to assess the depth of knowledge that the learner has. Apart from that, the Learners will be able to gauge their understanding of the first term’s content. The tests help the teachers to plan effectively for the following term. To the learners, teachers are not there to crucify you, wishing all the learners the best in the end of term tests country wide.

Timothy Kambilima



Let’s reduce poverty levels 


During the state of the nation address to Parliament, President Lungu expressed concern on the unacceptably high levels of poverty in Zambia. Currently 54.4% of urban population is living below poverty datum line and in rural areas it stands at 74%. It is the duty of every Zambian to do something by reducing poverty at family level. The Government on the other hand should provide a very conducive atmosphere for job creation which in turn will put more money in people’s pockets. Zambia is for all Zambians, hence we should take poverty head on. We want a Zambia in which every citizen will have three quality meals a day, send his child to school and live in decent accommodation.



FAZ president’s speech inspiring


Allow me to sincerely commend FAZ president Andrew Kamanga for the inspiring and well-balanced speech which he delivered at the 2017 annual general meeting. The president informed or reminded the nation on what FAZ has achieved and failed in one year. Leadership is all about acknowledging failure and build on it to achieve greater heights. It ‘is also gratifying to learn that Kamanga’s promise of transparency and accountability in FAZ has come to pass. This should continue for the betterment of our beautiful game of soccer.

Soccer lover


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