Letters to the editor

Mon, 22 Jan 2018 13:30:48 +0000


New culture of insults

Dear Editor

TIME has come for our politicians to eradicate the culture of insults, name calling and hatred speech and instead advance issues of development.

This negative culture was introduced to this country by Fred M’membes Post newspaper. It must be stopped because there are better things we can talk about.

 In particular it will be very useful if such people as Kalaba were able to propound a more cogent political ideology to enable Zambians to determine if he is worth following or not.

We know for example that Chishimba Kambwili is just a joker who does not even understand that taking an oath as Cabinet Minister binds him for life. He went on Phoenix radio last week and announced that having been fired from Cabinet absolved him from the oath he swore. This is the worst type of ignorance from the man who wants to become President of this country. An oath is for life and can only be set aside in specific legal circumstance.

The beauty is that the more Kambwili speaks the more we know that he is an ignorant bitter person who hates the President.

We may not know the motivation of Kalaba apart from the ominous start made by retreating back to his tribal constituency for the public welcome which was obviously staged for a purpose, perhaps to warn the Patriotic Front against expelling him.

Whatever the case, it will be useful for him to advance beyond the blame game and instead articulate a political stance that will make him different from the other existing parties. We know for example that the PF has taken the route of infrastructure development as a vehicle to deliver development, but we do not know what the UPND policy or ideology is apart from the public mantra that HH will solve the problem-what problem?

Our parties must mature and advance in putting forward constructive agenda that will take this country forward rather than harping on the same script of corruption which cannot even be substantiated.

This country has so many issues to be addressed. Each Ministry represents an area of specialisation which must be given a focus and direction. As astute politician should be able to tell the nation what he would intend to do once in power over each of the Ministries or indeed if he or she would want to create new ministries.

We must start debating the future because the past is gone, very little can be done about it and yet we have the future before us.

As the wise saying goes, failure to plan is planning to fail, therefore lot all those aspiring for power tell us what they will do. It is not enough to promise jail for the current leaders, rather the onus is on them to promise a better, prosperous and more peaceful Zambia.



Illegal plot allocations

WHY is the illegal allocation of plots so rampant especially in Lusaka and Ndola? Do the cadres feel the land belongs to them for them to be dishing out illegal plots.

When is this trend going to stop of cadres taking matters that are not in their jurisdiction and start indulging in illegalities.

Surely how do they just giving away plots that belong to other people and worse still, to the police.

The influence of foreigners using their money to buy favour should be discouraged.

If these people are in the country legally, let them conduct their business legally and obtain land legally.

They should be encouraged to be buying legal plots only that are often advertised by property developers.

But the PF should also rein in its cadres from harassing people over their legally acquired plots. Cadres have no right to take over someone’s plot just because they feel they can because they belong to the ruling party.

This should stop.




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