Lungu contributes K250 000 towards Chisokone reconstruction

Tue, 27 Dec 2016 09:09:22 +0000


PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu has contributed K250 000 towards the reconstruction of the Chisokone market shelter in Kitwe which collapsed two weeks ago leaving the marketeers to trade in the open.

And Association of Vendors and Marketeers (AVEMA) President Able Chikwa has said President Lungu and his government had demonstrated that they were a caring government by treating the issue of the collapsed shelter with the urgency it deserved.

Presidential Affairs Minister Freedom Sikazwe said the Bill of Quantity (BOQ) for the reconstruction of the shelter was K450 000 and President Lungu had decided to contribute K250,000 to the reconstruction of the collapsed Chisokone market shelter while the other K200,000 would come from the Kitwe City Council (KCC) which collects revenue from the market.

Mr Sikazwe told marketeers at Chisokone market in Kitwe yesterday that President Lungu was deeply saddened at the collapse of the shelter and wanted it to be reconstructed within a shortest possible time.

“Less than a week after I came to inspect this collapsed shelter at this market, I have come again to tell you that President Lungu is equally saddened by this development and has contributed K250 000 while the other K200,000 will come from the council which collects revenue from this market.

“The reconstruction works would start in less than two weeks and we do not want explanations from the council. We want quality works. The President has contributed towards this project and so quality works should be put up. It would be embarrassing to the republican President if you put up poor quality works,” Mr Sikazwe said.

Mr Sikazwe was accompanied by Kitwe district commissioner Chanda Kabwe, five Members of Parliament (MP) namely Pavyuma Kalobo of Wusakile, Elalio Musonda of Kanfinsa, Joe Malanji, Kwacha, Alexander Chiteme of Nkana and Mwila Mutale of Chimwemwe.

Mr Sikazwe has advised marketeers at Chisokone market to ignore disgruntled people who want to form political parties on grounds of being Bembas.

“They will come here saying we want to form a political party because we are Bembas. No, don’t entertain them. They are just disgruntled people. Support President Edgar Lungu because he is the republican President and he cares about you. President Lungu does not choose who to work with, he works with everybody as long as he or she can deliver.

“It is not true that President Lungu has sidelined Bembas. No, but they will come with all sorts of stories. Don’t listen to them. President Lungu cares about you and so support him,” Mr Sikazwe said.

And AVEMA President Able Chikwa said President Lungu and his government had demonstrated that they were a caring government by treating the issue of the collapsed shelter at the market with the urgency it deserved.



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