Sat, 04 Nov 2017 09:27:56 +0000
By Oscar Malipenga
PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu did not warn judges but merely counselled them to understand what can happen in Zambia if they did not conduct themselves responsibly, Vice President Inonge Wina told Parliament yesterday.
Ms Wina clarified that President Edgar Lungu did not warn the judges upon arrival in Solwezi on Thursday but that he merely professionally advised them to avoid what happened in Kenya to be repeated in Zambia.
“So the President was not warning the judges, he was merely counselling them to know so that we understand what is happening in other countries and what can happen in our country. So Mr Speaker the question that the honourable members asked is not really directed at the President ordering the judiciary as he was merely counselling,” Ms Wina said.
She was responding to a question from Chikankata UPND Member of Parliament Crispin Kabwe during Vice President’s question time.
Mr Kabwe wanted to find out from the Vice President if what President Lungu said in Solwezi on Thursday did not amount to interference. “While in Solwezi President said he had information that some judges wanted to behave like some judges in Kenya and he went on to warn the judiciary that if they behave the same that would bring disharmony and disunity,” he said.
“Mr Speaker, the honourable member should be aware that the President (Edgar Lungu) of this country is the chief executive officer of the whole country and as such he has full responsibility on what goes on in this country if a war breaks out in Zambia we will hold the President accountable. “This country enjoys parliamentary democracy where we have separation of powers, we have the judiciary, we have legislature and we have the executive but at the end of the day when there is friction, when there is conflict in the country the back stops at the President,” Mrs Wina said