Lungu inspects Solwezi-Chingola road project

Fri, 17 Feb 2017 14:32:31 +0000


By Jackson Mapapayi

PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu has inspected the much talked about Solwezi-Chingola road with a view to have first-hand information on how far the project has gone and appreciate the challenges the people in the region are going through.

President Lungu drove all the way from Solwezi to Chingola in the company of North Western Province minister Richard Kapita, National Planning and Development minister Lucky Mulusa, Infrastructure and Housing minister Ronald Chitotela, State House minister Freedom Sikazwe, former Road Development Agency (RDA) board chairman Samuel Mukupa and other senior Government officials.

And President Lungu said the road was on top of his development agenda for North-Western Province because it was of great economic value not only to the province but the entire nation.

He said road infrastructure was key to development, hence the need to prioritise it.

He said once completed the province will open up to investments in other sectors such as tourism, agriculture and mining.

“There is no better incentive than a good road, once the road is done in few years’ time we will see transformation in the region,’’ he said.

He said the potential that lies in the province was immense.

The Head of State said he wanted to see the province opened up to the rest of the country through key routes such as the Solwezi-Chingola road,  Kasempa-Mumbwa and Kasempa- Kaoma roads.

He said the delay in working on the road was as a result of the two elections the country has had in 2015 and the general election in 2016.

Meanwhile, all the three contractors engaged by Government to work on the toad have assured the Head of State that they will complete the project and hand it over within the stipulated timeframe.

China Geo Corporation, Buildxon Investment and Swift contractors are the contractors engaged to carry out works on the 160 kilometre stretch.

Earlier at Solwezi airport, President Lungu told the people that came to welcome him that his Government is committed to the development of the country, including  North Western Province.

He said he was aware that the region was among the least developed areas in the country.

He said though he did not receive enough votes in the province, he will still ensure that development is taken to the region because his job was to work for the people of Zambia.

“I am here to work because that’s what the people of Zambia voted me for. And those that want to work with me are free to come on board and those that don’t want to, please leave us,’’ he said.

He also said he could not continue encouraging ministers and Members of Parliament to visit their constituencies when himself was not inspecting projects being implemented by Government across the country.

“So those critics saying I am moving a lot should understand that I am the GHead of State who should travel and inspect projects,’’ he said.

President Lungu is in the province for a two-day working visit and he was expected to inspect various projects being implemented by Government.

Also accompanying him are Patriotic Front secretary general Davis Mwila and PF deputy spokesman Frank Bwalya.


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