Lungu was duly elected, says Mambo

Fri, 07 Apr 2017 09:20:59 +0000



 WHETHER some people like it or not President Edgar Lungu was duly elected and sworn in by authorities mandated to conduct elections, says Chikondi Foundation president Bishop John Mambo.

Bishop Mambo said that calling each other names will not change anything ‘‘and for the sake of moving forward it is important to put this issue behind and focus on developing the country’’.

“No matter how you and I feel, President Lungu is the Head of State and we need to accord him the respect that is due to him,” he said

He said that the trend of people complaining after an election was the same because even in the United States of America ‘‘some people say that President Trump is not their president but because he was announced as winner from the results he is the president of that country’’.

Bishop Mambo said there were more important issues the country needed to focus on in order to move forward.

“The country is hurting, we need to speak against it because it will not lead us anywhere; we need to come together as a people and reconcile our differences for the sake of our country,” he said.

He said the country needed the contribution of all the citizens in order to bring about meaningful development.

“No one is an island, everyone needs one another, those in the opposition need those that are currently in Government because the opposition provides checks and balances while the Government implements and works on the areas brought forward by the opposition,” he said.


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