Massive defections await opposition in N/Province 

Sat, 04 Mar 2017 09:33:56 +0000

A TSUNAMI of defections awaits the opposition in the Northern Province because they have failed to inspire Zambians by their resolve to divert their energies to things which do not add to the development of the country, PF provincial elections deputy chairperson Chibwaya Muma has said.

And Mr. Muma has warned that the party would crush divisive and antagonistic elements in the party which were in the habit of brewing confusion because the PF wanted to go into the 2021 elections as a stronger force and would not condone detractors.

Speaking to the Daily Nation yesterday, Mr. Muma said opposition political parties were in for a rude shock in Northern Province because people there had decided to embrace the PF on merit.

He said the PF had set the tone for development and had put politicking aside in its quest to develop the country while opposition political parties were wasting time bickering at the expense of providing credible checks and balances to those in power and finding solutions to challenges that faced the country.

He said the ruling party in the province had relentlessly continued with its mobilisation drive to mop up all members from the opposition who were willing to work with the PF by adhering to its ideals.

“Opposition political parties should forget about penetrating the Northern Province because people here have already shown their willingness to rally behind the ruling party since it is the most attractive. We have continued receiving people who are expressing their interests to work with us and soon the opposition will suffer a political Tsunami because defections are just in the offing.

“The opposition are trying their level best to bring down the PF but people are seeing through their machinations. People are getting fed up by their lies and consequences are too grave to stomach. We will deplete them by the time we go to the 2021 elections because they have failed to inspire Zambians,” Mr. Muma said.

And Mr. Muma said the party was aware that there were people in other parts of the country who were having dark-corner meetings to scheme on how to create confusion in the party in order to infiltrate the structures but warned that the party would decisively deal with such individuals before the next election.

“We know of people who are involved in all sorts of schemes to bring down the party so that they can take over but we would like to warn them that they will be flushed out of the party before 2021 because we want to go into this election as a united force and we do not need these detractors.

“If they believe they have the political acumen to win an election, we challenge them to leave the PF and form their own political parties because we shall not allow them to bring confusion to the party,” he said.


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