M’membe must emulate Chiluba – clergy

Fri, 24 Feb 2017 10:31:03 +0000




POST Newspapers Limited (in liquidation) proprietor Fred M’membe must emulate the former President late Frederick Chiluba who allowed the due process of the law to take its course until he was proven innocent by the Lusaka Magistrate’s Court, says Bible Gospel Church in Africa (BIGOCA) Presiding Bishop Peter Ndhlovu.

In an interview in Lusaka yesterday, Bishop Ndhlovu said that Mr M’membe should not go into hiding if he was innocent and must allow the courts to judiciously handle cases relating to the defunct newspaper. He also charged that some politicians who were being paraded in some sections of the media attacking President Lungu on the Post’s affairs were not sincere.

‘‘It is in the public domain that the Post owes ZRA (Zambia Revenue Authority) a lot of money which is supposed to be used for development because the Government survives on taxpayers’ money. If people don’t pay taxes, it is a real criminal offence in other countries.

“If you have failed to do that (pay tax), why should you blame others and I believe that people should not blame President Lungu over issues surrounding the Post. Who does not know the Post and its allies fought other people in the name of fighting corruption? Some of them are no more because they were frustrated, they died of depression because they were troubled.

“We, as a church, are saying let the due process of the law take its course. If he is innocent, he will be proved innocent by the courts of law and I can give an example of Frederick Chiluba who went to court for seven years on allegations that he was corrupt, he stole but he was vindicated by the courts of law.

“Why should they run away if you have done well?” Bishop Ndhlovu asked.

He said people should stop accusing President Lungu of persecuting or harassing the media because he was just doing his work by fighting corruption.

Bishop Ndhlobvu said it was unfortunate that individuals who were claiming to fight corruption were doing exactly the opposite of what they were advocating for.

“All that money has to be paid back and there is no one who is above the law. The Bible says when you are obedient, you shall eat the good of the land. When you disobey, you shall see the wrath and that is why the President is given the mandate to rule,” he said.



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